Our Teams
Santarelli has 140 professionals including 45 attorneys, technical and legal experts.
Their work is supported by administrative teams specialized in managing patents and trademarks, as well as a general managerial team.
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Balsan Maxime
Bardel Noémie
Boudjedir Ali
Bresson Lisa
Bruco Séverine
Coest Séverine
Combes Richard
Cumin Marie
Delory Tétyana
Demon Victor
George Michel
Harretche Isabeau
Huard Philippe
Olas Nelly
Razafindrainibe Andry
Rousseau Anaïs
Seffar Khawla
Ségarra David
Sidibé Diouka
Tortissier Carole
Triba Nawel
Ulmann Catherine
Vulliez Valérie