1 . Presentation of the Santarelli website
The website www.santarelli.com is the property of Santarelli. The purpose of the website www.santarelli.com is to present Santarelli, its offices and its staff.
Company name: Santarelli
Limited liability company with a registered capital of: 1,608,000 Euros
RCS : Paris 340 667 880
Code APE : 6910Z
49, avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
Tel. : +33 (0)1 40 55 43 43
Fax : +33 (0)1 42 67 56 29
Director of publication: Ms. Catherine Sauvat
Hosted by: Ordipat
Design and creation: Eliott and Markus – http://www.eliott-markus.com
Users of the site may contact Santarelli by email at the following address: contact@santarelli.com.
2. Access to the Santarelli website
The user of the site www.santarelli.com attests that he or she has the competency and means necessary for accessing and using this site.
The user also attests that he or she has read the present legal information and undertakes to comply with it.
Santarelli shall not be held liable for anything beyond its control or for damages, whether direct or indirect, which may be suffered on account of the technical environment of the user and in particular, computers, software, network equipment or any other equipment used for accessing or for using the service and/or information, resulting from access or use of the website www.santarelli.com, including inaccessibility, loss of data, deterioration or destruction of data, or virus infection which could affect the computer equipment of the user, and/or the presence of a virus on its site.
Users of the website www.santarelli.com attest that their computer configuration is free of any viruses and is in perfect working condition.
Please note that the confidentiality of private correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet. Furthermore, it is incumbent upon each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect his or her own data and/or software from contamination of any virus present on the Internet.
It is to be noted that fraudulent acts of accessing or maintaining access to a computer system, of hindering or interfering with the operation of such a system, and of introducing or modifying data in a computer system constitute criminal acts liable to criminal sanctions.
Access to the site www.santarelli.com is free of charge. Fees for accessing and using the telecommunication network are at the cost of the client, according to the provisions and arrangements of its access providers and telecommunication operators. The user consequently acknowledges that accessing and browsing the website www.santarelli.com are exclusively at his or her own cost.
The user attests that he or she has been informed that the site www.santarelli.com is accessible 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, except in cases of circumstances beyond Santarelli’s control, computer difficulties, difficulties linked to the telecommunications networks or other technical difficulties.
For the requirements of maintenance, Santarelli may interrupt access to the website and in this case will do its best to warn users beforehand.
Santarelli accepts no liability relating to the impossibility of accessing the website.
Should the user access the website www.santarelli.com from a country other than France, the user undertakes to ensure compliance with applicable legislation in that country.
3. Information on this site
Information on the site www.santarelli.com is provided for indicative purposes. Santarelli does not guarantee the accuracy, consistency, or completeness of information made available and published on this website.
The Firm Santarelli makes every effort to provide users with information and/or tools that are available and validated.
However, the information and presentations contained on the pages of this site may be modified at any time and without warning.
Santarelli consequently declines all liability for:
- any inaccuracy, errors or omissions in the information available on this website, or for the lack of availability of any information or services,
- any harm, whether direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequence, arising from the access of whomsoever to this website or from the inability to obtain access thereto, arising from the use of this website and/or arising from the reliance made on any information whatsoever originating directly or indirectly from this website,
- decisions taken on the basis of information contained on this website, or the use thereof which could be made by third parties.
The user therefore attests that use of the information on the website www.santarelli.com is exclusively at the user’s own risk.
4. Personal data and the protection of privacy
In the context of its daily activities, the Firm Santarelli needs to collect and then process personal data. Such data collection and processing is carried out in compliance with the applicable legislation, in particular, the consolidated version of law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, relative to computing, files, and civil liberties, as well as Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated 27 April 2016, relative to the protection of private individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
More particularly, in the context of its activities linked to the present website, the firm may need to collect and then process personal data concerning users. This essentially concerns contact details or email addresses given by users with their consent in the context of questionnaires or contact forms provided on the website.
Such data are collected for the exclusive use by the Firm Santarelli, in particular, by the departments managing human resources and communication. The personal data, which users may be led to provide, are given on a voluntary basis, in particular, in the context of recruitment, for the submission of CVs or in the context of forms intended for correspondence between the site users and the Firm Santarelli.
The data collected are therefore necessary for the Firm Santarelli to follow up these various enquiries. If users did not provide such information, the Firm Santarelli would be unable to process their cases. The data so collected are only kept for a reasonable period and for the case concerned.
In application of the legislative provisions in force, the persons concerned by the data collection and processing mentioned above have the right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, treatment, opposition and portability as well as the right to define instructions for the handling of data after death, all these being within the limits of the exceptions established by the applicable legislation.
The Firm Santarelli also wishes to inform users of the fact that they have the right to complain to the competent administrative body.
All of these rights may be exercised through the Data Protection Officer at the Firm Santarelli:
49, avenue des Champs Elysées – 75008 Paris
5. Compliance with the law
Santarelli hereby informs users of the website www.santarelli.com that the operation and use of the Internet is subject to legislation in force.
Users of the website www.santarelli.com are, in particular, required to comply with the provisions of the aforesaid Law of January 6, 1978 relating to computing, files, and civil liberties, the breach of which is punishable as a criminal offence.
With regard to the personal data to which they may obtain access, they must also abstain from any collection, illicit
use, and, more generally, any act liable to be prejudicial to the private life or reputation of individuals.
Intellectual property
The content of the website www.santarelli.com is protected by the laws of intellectual property. Santarelli is the owner of all rights to the general structure of the website www.santarelli.com, the organization of its content, the software, text, images (whether animated or not), graphics, sound, etc., and, more generally, the entire content of the website www.santarelli.com.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission or distortion, whether wholly or partly, of the website or its content, regardless of method or medium, is prohibited.
The user is liable for any unauthorized use of the website, its contents, or information disclosed therein, which constitutes an infringement pursuant Articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The same applies for the databases appearing, as the case may be, on the website site www.santarelli.com, which are protected by the provisions of the law of 1st July 1998, which transposes into the French Intellectual Property Code the European Directive of 11 March 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases. Therefore, any copying or extraction may render the user liable.
The users undertake, subject to liability under civil and/or criminal law, not to use the site www.santarelli.com for
- introducing by any means (for example by e-mail) any material including programs, code, viruses, etc. intended to destroy or limit the functionalities of the website www.santarelli.com,
- introducing by any means (for example by e-mail), into the interactive services provided on the website www.santarelli.com, and in particular in the forums, any illicit or prejudicial material, including offensive, insulting, defamatory, denigrating, degrading or pornographic messages, or messages unrelated to the themes proposed,
- introducing, by any method whatsoever, any matter in breach of intellectual or industrial property law, moral rights, etc.
In relation to its interactive services, Santarelli reserves the right to delete immediately and without notice any matter of any nature whatsoever, such as messages, text, images, graphics, etc., which appears to be in breach of the applicable legislation, and in particular the legislation mentioned above.
Any user wishing to use the content of the website (whether it be text, images, or other) undertakes to request prior written consent from Santarelli by letter or email sent to the Director of Publication of the website www.santarelli.com.
6. Hypertext Links
The hypertext links appearing on the website www.santarelli.com for other resources on the Internet, such as to the websites of partners, were subject to prior and specific authorization.
However, because the Firm Santarelli is not the publisher of those sites, it cannot control the content thereof. Consequently, Santarelli can in no way be held liable for the content of the websites which are thereby made accessible, or for any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or for any other means having the same effects performed by those websites.
The users of or visitors to the website www.santarelli.com may, under no circumstances, establish a link to the website www.santarelli.com without prior and specific written authorization from Santarelli. Any request for this purpose must be sent to the Director of Publication of the site www.santarelli.com.
7. Modification of this legal information
The Firm Santarelli reserves the right to modify the present legal information without notice. The user therefore undertakes to consult it regularly.
8. Applicable law in case of litigation
French law shall be applicable to any dispute or litigation arising in connection with the website www.santarelli.com.
9. Jurisdiction
Any dispute or litigation shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris.